What You Need to Know about Anxiety Trick

goodman-anxiety Have you heard about anxiety trick? Before you understand the concept of anxiety trick, you should know the anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder is the feeling of great fear even if there is no presence of danger. Anxiety disorder is common and it is a frustrating problem. With this problem, people get tensed and afraid even if they are not in danger. These people struggle to always protect themselves which increase their troubles and tension. That is anxiety trick.

In simple words, the smallest discomfort will be interpreted as danger thus the trick. Your mind is fooling you. If your brain interprets it as danger, you can either fight it, flight or freeze. If it is weaker than you, you will fight. If it is stronger but sluggish, you will run and it if it looks strong and fast, you will simply freeze.

If you want to know more about anxiety trick, you should be familiar with the following things:

The Victims of Trickery

If you have panic disorder, you will be tricked into thinking that you are going to die or you are losing your mind. If you have social phobias, you will be tricked into thinking that you are nervous standing or talking in front of many people; you will think that you will be humiliated. If you have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), you will be tricked into thinking that your household or office will be in terrible calamity. If you have anxiety disorder, you will be tricked into constant worrying.

How You Get Tricked

Remember that we all have our natural instinct to protect ourselves. This is the main reason why people are tricked. For example, if you have a social phobia, your instinct is to protect yourself so it will tell you to flee the area that distresses you so much. For people with anxiety disorder, they are always worried about “what if’s”. These people will not be able to take care of present things. For people with OCD, they get tricked into frequently checking the doors or washing their hands. These people will exhaust their energy doing things over and over again.

What Retains Anxiety Trick

The more you protect yourself, the more you retain the anxiety trick. Patients who are seeking for help often say that the harder they try, the worse it becomes. If that is the case, the patients should look at the methods they are using. The anxiety trick will always stay if the person thinks that they evaded a major catastrophe because of their actions. For example, because they checked the stove many times, they saved the household from burning.

Overcoming the Trick

Anxiety trick is destructive. If you want to overcome the trick, you should ask for professional help so it will be more effective. If you ask for professional help, they will implement behavioural or cognitive methods and exposure. If you are serious to overcome this, you should be ready. It will be hard but it will do you good.
