How to Use Office Politics to Your Advantage

Whether you want to admit it or not, there’s certainly other things involved in becoming successful at work than simply giving good results at the tasks assigned to you. It’s also about letting others see that you’re competent, getting the right people to like you, and keep your rivals from tearing your down. Other than that, here are other things that you can do to get ahead and make the office politics in your workspace work to your advantage.

Don’t Let Your Guard Down

Perhaps the trickiest part of working in an office is learning how to conduct yourself professionally during work-related gatherings. While your company’s holiday party may be presented as a chance to enjoy yourself and chug down a few glasses of beer, it’s crucial to remember that a single comment in such a relaxed environment could ruin the reputation you built for years.

Help Your Colleagues

Although helping others learn the skills that could set you apart from everyone else may seem counter-intuitive, doing so will help build trust with your peers that could lead them to becoming your allies down the road. Plus, these individuals could pass along some useful information to you, whether it’s a heads up about an upcoming organizational shift in your company or a tip on how you could do your job better.

Avoid Gossiping

It might be tempting to trash your competition when they’re not around, but speaking negatively about your colleagues will only do you more harm than good. Your co-workers are smart enough to figure out that if you’re speaking ill about another person, you’re likely to do the same thing to them when they’re no longer around. Also, when it comes to speaking negatively about someone in power, it’d be best for you to be extra careful.

Always Look Like You’re Doing Something

At work, you get to manage two different things – your actual work productivity and how that productivity is seen by your peers and your boss. For that reason, avoid getting caught doing useless activities like chit-chatting with a colleague. This will give people an impression that the only thing you’re adding to the company is your likable personality. If you don’t have anything to do, however, think of a skill that you’d want to learn and work at getting better at it.

Promote Your Accomplishments Discreetly

Impressing your boss would be difficult if they don’t know what a good job you’re doing. You can change that by bringing up specific things that you’ve done, such as getting a new client or updating your company’s employee handbook, during a one-on-one meeting with your manager. To keep yourself from sounding arrogant, make sure that you also praise your colleagues who helped you succeed in these tasks.

Getting involved in office politics won’t be that stressful if you just know how to handle it. In fact, simply putting the aforementioned tips to work is already enough to help you make the office politics work to your advantage.

Tips to Grow as a Better Leader

Being a good leader is something that is developed throughout the years. It is something that is learned through different experiences. That being said, anyone can try to learn how to be a leader. Other than that, others also strive to be better ones. So here are some tips on how you can be a better leader.

Lead by example

Leading by example is a good way to earn the respect of others. If you tell others to be early, you should also be early yourself. Practice what you preach so that others don’t think badly of you. It will be very easy for your peers to notice if you’re not living by your word. If you show this to others, they’ll also follow your example. This can help create a healthy work environment overall.

Listen to people’s praise and criticism equally

A good leader pays attention to both praise and criticism about him. If your peers tell you that you’re doing something wrong, listen to them intently. You will earn the respect of others if you’re able to accept both praise and criticism gracefully. Although this is the case, you should still take criticism from the right people. Don’t take into account the opinions of those you don’t know or others who don’t even know the full story of your actions.

Embrace your mistakes

This is one thing that can be pretty hard to do at first. If you make a mistake, you need to learn to own up to it. You won’t know if you’re doing something right if you didn’t get it wrong in the first place. That is why you should consider your mistakes as a part of growing. Once you learn to accept them, it will be easier for you to recover from the mistakes you might make in the future.

Avoid having favorites

Favoritism is something that almost everyone detests.  Although you should be friendly to your peers, doing it a bit too much will cost you. When others feel like they can be a little too comfortable around you, you might not take you seriously anymore. That is why it is important to set boundaries in your relationships with your peers.

Give proper credit

Good leaders already know that you should not take the credit if you do not deserve it. Sometimes it will be hard to resist the temptation, but it really will communicate a lot about you. You might lose the trust of your fellow workers and they might despise you for taking credit that’s not supposed to be yours. If you give proper credit to others, you share the glory with them as they deserve the recognition for their hard work and efforts.

5 Secrets to Writing a Good Application Letter

At best, an application letter can help any job-seeker stand out from his competitors. At worst, it could make any promising candidate appear like an uncreative applicant. Sure, the internet might contain numerous tips and tricks on writing an application letter, but only a few give useful information besides the obvious tip to use a good grammar. For that reason, we listed down the secrets to writing a cover letter that anyone would want to read.

1. Use the Right Type of Application Letter

There are various types of cover letter than can be sent to contacts and employers. So make sure to choose the type of application letter that would reflect your professional personality. Your cover letter must be well-designed according to the purpose you’re writing and be customized for every position you are applying for.

2. Research About the Contact Person

Taking time to get personal is crucial when it comes to writing application letters. For that reason, find out as much as you can about the company you’re applying for, as well as the hiring manager who’ll be interviewing you. Personalize your letter and, if possible, address it to the person responsible for hiring. If you can, make a phone call to know who the hiring manager is.

3. Properly Format Your Cover Letter

How you format your application letter, both from its content to the way it’s presented is important. Even if you’re applying online and sending your letter via email, your cover letter should be properly formatted, readable and without any mistakes.

4. Start From an Application Letter Template

Using a cover letter template is a good way to get started in writing application letters for the particular job you’re seeking to apply. Choose a template that you can use to create your own personalized cover letter by simply adding your own information into the template.

5. Include Keywords in Your Letter

It’s important that you include recognition, result and skill keywords that match the description of the job you’re applying for. Also, ensure that you attest to your credential in your application letter so you can increase your chances of getting selected for an interview.

Contrary to what you think, a good application letter is a key factor to landing the job that you’ve always wanted. So be sure to put the aforementioned tips to work the next time you write and send an application later on your next job hunt.

4 Work Habit You Need to Stop Doing

Bad work habits come in many different kinds. There are those that cause disaster on your productivity, make your work harder, inflict additional stresses, and serve as a negative result of being too stressed out—but not all happens at our desks. Regardless of where these habits happen, all of them have negative effects in our lives.


Here are some common habits that threaten your work performance.

  1. You Multitask

If you think you’ll be able to do more duties in lesser time by doing multiple tasks at once, think again. It’s a fact that humans have limited attention to span. After working hard on a particular period of time, you might feel extremely exhausted and have no enough energy to complete your remaining tasks. Being focused on one task at a given moment helps a lot to work better and faster for a longer span of time.

  1. Starting and Ending Your Day With E-mails

Sending a bunch of emails the moment you wake up will easily make you lose track of your priorities. On the other hand, sending emails before going to bed at night will give you insomnia. So, what you should do? Make a to-do- list and stick with it. Cross out at least two important things before sending out emails.


  1. Keeping Your Desk Messy

A messy sight will keep you from focus. Toss that week-old Starbucks cup to the trash, throw away those year old files and documents, and make good use of your drawers. A clean and organized desk will help you concentrate on the job that needs to be done.

  1. Not Disconnecting From Work

Weekends are sacred; it’s the time for hardworking people like you to unwind and relax. Hide your phone in a hard-to-reach area as soon as you get home on a Friday night. If it rings and it’s somebody from work, don’t answer it. They’ll surely text their concern to you. If the concern is about work, it can wait until Monday. If it’s about a weekend vacay or a Saturday night out, go and call back for a fun time with colleagues.

Breaking bad habits is not an easy task, and it surely doesn’t happen overnight. However, making even the smallest effort to break all these good-for-nothing practices will certainly make a huge difference in your life and career.


Making a Big Comeback

6 Tips for Older Women Who Want to Re-Enter the Workforce

Settling down during their early 30s and having kids a year or two after are some of the reasons why most women leave the workforce. Some become full-time housewives, while some are still planning to take another shot to be back on the work field. If you’re one of the latter, here are six simple tips that you can do to achieve your most awaited comeback as a career woman.

Happy business woman working at office

  1. Plan Your Path Ahead. A good way to kick-start your career comeback is to choose a profession that excites you and keeps you motivated to work, because most employers nowadays already values an employee’s motivation to work than her skill.


  1. Relive Some Connections. Staying in touch with your former colleagues is one of the greatest way to keep you updated on any job opportunities in their respective companies. Also, don’t hesitate to reach out to the new people who may become relevant for the new career path that you’ll be taking.


  1. Stay Active on Social Media. This doesn’t necessarily mean posting your resume online. Instead, post photos of you working on a particular project on an underdeveloped area in your Facebook or Instagram accounts. That way, your potential employer will be able to see how you’ll fit in with their corporate culture.


  1. Enhance Your Skills. Since you’re back for a new career direction, it’s imperative that you refresh and improve your skills, though studying to further hone your skills shouldn’t also be done on the last minute. Remember that you’ll get an extra confidence boost when you develop your skills for years, compared to when you do it in a just span of two to three months.



  1. View Job Searching as a Temporary Full-Time Job. Now is not the time to feel bad or lazy about being unable to find a new job. You’ve experienced job searching before and conquered it, so you’ll be able to do it again. Just treat it as your temporary full-time job as you search for your real dream job.


  1. Research Your Role. Most successful businesses spend a lot of time researching, and the same thing goes for searching a job. Perform a thorough research on the position that you want to land on. If possible, plan your first few weeks as if you’re already working for the company and you’ll be able to answer interview questions like you’re already in the position.

Getting a second shot in the working field during your 40s will not be easy. However, staying positive and motivated during this time will surely land you your dream job even for the second time around.


Company Knowledge: Key Factor to a Successful Job Interview  

Employers in many business establishments are always looking for some individuals who has the potential about working in a company and above all passionate about the job. That’s what employers are looking for – a bunch of passionate workers. Can you imagine a team like this?


Contrary to that, there are also companies who tend to choose intelligent individuals to help their business grow. Now, when you say intelligent lineup in a company. It will be a tough team to match. However, the only thing that will make passionate people win is that they have the heart to do things without complaining.

Now, when it comes to the job interview, who are you? The passionate one or the intelligent one? If you are going to choose, choose both. Be a passionate worker with intelligent ideas. Ask about the company. Your interviewer should be the person to ask you, but do not wait for your interviewer to get bored.


Make a smooth conversation with him. Talk to him as if you are best friends. But the main point of your conversation is about the company. You can ask. There’s no rule that prohibits an applicant to ask their future employers.

But always remember that you should be careful about the things you’ll ask because you might fall on your own bait. There are instances that you unknowingly shared the vital information about yourself or perhaps your friend which might make a bad impression to your interviewer.
