ILTC Subsidies in Singapore

Singapore is proud of its healthcare services and facilities. We are one of the best if not perfect medical services and facilities here in the region and around the world. Services are thoroughly designed to promote and encourage health, reduce and prevent diseases and more importantly, guarantee that all Singaporeans have access to affordable and quality healthcare. You should know that the healthcare services and facilities here include hospital, dental, support, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Intermediate and Long Term Care (ILTC). In this case, let us discuss deeply the ILTC.

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The Singapore ILTC comprises of services designed especially for individuals who require further treatment and care after they are discharged from hospitals. Not only that, ILTC also covers elders who are no longer in capacity to do their daily activities. ILTC has two types-residential and community. Here are some details about each type:

  1. Residential: Residential ILTC provide shelter for the ex mentally ill. Singapore residential ILTC encompasses community hospitals, hospice, nursing homes, respite care and chronic hospitals.


  1. Community: Singapore community ILTC provide shelter for the frail elders. The community ILTC offers services for seniors to include home nursing care, home medical care, ensuite, meals on wheels, transport, escort, and palliative home care.

The Singapore government realized that the people who require help for a long time should be assisted when it comes to billing so they designed this ILTC subsidies. This subsidy is only available to individuals who are citizens or PRs (Permanent Residents), currently receiving care from service providers funded by the MOH (Ministry of Health) and individuals who met the established criteria.img_moh_3