Interesting Facts about Wedding Rings

Diamond, gold, silver or platinum—a wedding ring or an engagement ring may just be a tiny piece of metal worn on the fourth finger, but it is full of interesting facts.

Wearing of wedding bands happened in Egypt over four millenniums ago. Wedding rings back then were made by weaving and braiding reeds and rushes. These rings were exchanged by a new bride and groom as a symbol of lifetime commitment.


The circle is an emblem of eternity. In the B.C. era, a proposal ring symbolizes the will of a man to be with a woman forever and a day. Circle, as a shape, perfectly symbolizes marriage as it means there is no beginning and no end in love. For the ancient Egyptians, the circle and the hole where the finger is placed were meaningful. The circle shape suggested reverence and adoration for the sun, while the hole was like a door leading to the future.

The finger where an engagement ring is placed led directly to the heart. An interesting note of history states that ancient Egyptians wore rings in the fourth finger (now called the “ring finger”) since the vein in it leads to the heart where love resides. This legend influenced many cultures today, including weddings in Singapore.


A gold wedding ring is a symbol of wealth in some ancient cultures. Thousands of years ago, rings, especially those that were made of gold, served as money.  A wealthy person could easily be identified by the jewellery they wore. Also, engagement ringssuch as Ling wedding bands from Singapore served as a commitment that the man could support the woman financially.

The first wedding bands were mostly made of brass and copper. However, the Romans preferred iron as it denoted strength. It was the perfect material to represent the strength of emotions of the groom for his bride. In addition to that, nowadays in Singapore, rings are usually made of malleable metals, but back then, they were far from being perfectly round and they often had precious stones.

In some ancient cultures, rings were not given at the marriage ceremony. Today, in modern weddings, rings are given during the exchanging of vows. However, long time ago, sometimes they were given after the whole ceremony was over and the newlywed has finally arrived at their new home.


The practice of ring engraving began in the 17th century. A proposal ring during this period had small inscriptions in it. Simple words of devotion, hope and love made the ring extra special. Ring engraving made wedding bands more meaningful and sentimental. Nowadays, inscriptions can be as short as one word or be as long as a stanza of a love song.

The wedding bands are worth two months’ salary of the groom. Well, that is according to a little bit old fashioned convention. Nowadays in some countries, even in Singapore, it is already acceptable to have rings that are not as lavish as the entire wedding itself. After all, the commitment to love each other for the rest of their lives cannot be measured by the cost of the wedding ring.

Epi LASIK and LASIK Comparison

Epi-LASIK and LASIK are both eye surgery procedures that aim for the same goal, cure far-sightedness (hyperopia), nearsightedness (myopia), and astigmatism. However, Epi-LASIK is known to be much safer procedure than LASIK.  Though complications in the epithelial flap created during LASIK surgery is relatively low, it can possibly cause less than ideal results, or worst permanent vision loss. With Epi-LASIK, the creation of your eyes’ epithelial flap is less risky and, at the same time, the structure of your eye’s cornea is preserved.


Epi-LASIK and LASIK Procedure

Singapore Epi-LASIK doctors create epithelial flap from your eye’s corneal tissue by using a blunt separator. The tool used doesn’t create deeper incision into the corneal layers. After the epithelial flap is removed, a laser is used to sculpt the cornea. In Tony Ho Lasik surgery in Singapore a special contact lens will be placed over the corneal surface to promote faster healing. Since the cornea is not cut, its parts and structural formation stays unharmed and unchanged.

In LASIK, there is a need to cut into your eye’s cornea. A sharp blade is used to create a flap that cuts through the epithelium, down to the cornea. Then, the cornea is reshaped with the use of a laser and the flap made is replaced to its original place. The downside of this procedure is that significant amount of important and healthy corneal tissues are cut, thus, affecting its function and structure. From a practical viewpoint, your cornea with LASIK surgery may heal but not completely and its original strength may never be regained. Moreover, since the flap never heals completely, some complications (e.g. bulging, dislodgement, and ecstasia) may possibly happen in the future.


Despite their differences, both of the eye procedures have their own advantages. So in order for you to know what eye surgery to go for, here are some of their corresponding benefits that many Singapore patients and surgeons experienced before, during, and after the eye surgeries.


  • The strength and structure of cornea is preserved
  • Lesser dry eye problems
  • Lesser risk of flap complications
  • No risk of flap dislodgement
  • Lesser possible need for surgery enhancement


  • Less discomfort after surgery
  • Quick recovery. Some Singapore patients regain functional vision a day after surgery.



All things have their own down side as well. Both eye surgery techniques have their own set of flaws that every Singapore patient may or may not encounter. The disadvantages stated below are not there to discourage people who want to get their vision corrected, but to let you know of the possible results that you might experience after undergoing your chosen eye surgery.


  • Takes a couple of days to a week to regain functional vision
  • Slightly more discomfort after the surgery


  • Frequent dry eye problems
  • Cornea may not completely heal and regain its original strength
  • High chances of flap complications and epithelial in-growth
  • Greater chances of requiring surgical enhancement
  • Some Singapore patients complain about thinning and bulging of cornea over time. Though Singapore surgeons do eye screening before proceeding with the surgery, it’s still difficult to predict which patients have the highest possibility of developing this complication.

Increase Your Art Gallery Sales

Increase your art sales by working on your gallery’s name recognition and displaying your artworks at different venues aside from your own gallery. Host art gallery Singapore tours, raffles, open classes for the public to view your art pieces, and open houses with the artists to keep your name alive throughout the community. Here are some more ways to help people recognize you and increase your art gallery sales.


1. Increase name recognition

Have your works displayed at hotels, restaurants, art fairs, high-end retail stores, and other crowded areas in Singapore with well-to-do clients like what Vinciarts collection art gallery in Singapore has done to increasing branding. Look for venues and ask if you can bring some art pieces by and host an art exhibit in the art gallery location for their customers viewing. Offer your art exhibit to them as free of charge, since your still a novice and aims to increase name recognition in the community. Bring along with you brochures and business cards for interested clients. Talk to every person who seems interested in your works and give them a little overview and background info about the art and a brochure from your gallery.

2. Host a raffle

Raffle off an art piece that captivates the heart of many in the Singapore community. By this, they will be enticed to join the raffle. Apart from that, sell your tickets at an affordable price so all types of people, from lower to higher class would be able to afford to buy at least one. Host the event in your gallery by offering food and drinks for people to enjoy while viewing some of your masterpieces. Lastly, spread the news about the success of your art gallery event through websites, news organizations, and press releases to local newspapers and donate your raffle ticket funds to the cause.

3. Barter with other businesses

Pay services through artworks. As much as possible, minimize exchange of services through cash. For instance, if you’re throwing a Singapore event, trade one of your masterpieces to a wine bar, catering company, or local restaurant services. Try not to spend a single cent for food, advertising, or any form of event expenses. Have it all in exchange to your piece. Then, put the agreement into writing so that all terms and conditions are met.

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4. Offer art classes

Invite interested art collectors and future artists into your gallery for an art class. Barter art pieces or pay nominal fee for a local artist to impart knowledge about drawing or molding clay to your art class. Ask the artist if he could supply all the materials needed by the class. Have your open class event published in newspapers and websites to invite more people in. Ask everyone in the class to sign a guest book, which you will be emailing and mailing for future advertisements.

5. Host an open house

Let everyone see your art pieces by hosting a Singapore open house event. Email or snail-mail those people on your guest lists, inviting them to join the open house event as VIP guests. Invite the community to come to your gallery through local art gallery publications, websites, and public advertising. Provide food and drinks for everyone to enjoy. Also, if you want more people to come to your event, invite a famous local artist for a meet-and-greet and display some of his works as well for public viewing.

What You Need to Know About Febrile Convulsions

Febrile convulsion often called febrile fit is a condition characterized by the rapid increase of body’s temperature or when the body experiences uncontrollable contraction of muscles. The usual victims are kids from six months to six years old but anyone can be a victim. The risk of acquiring febrile convulsion is high for children whose mother and/or father suffered the same condition when they were still young.


Symptoms include losing of consciousness followed by the stiffening of arms and legs or the body in general, blackout for a short period of time, drooling, sudden falling, teeth clenching, grunting, uncontrollable bladder and bowel and temporary stop in breathing among others. Now that we know the symptoms, it would be easier for us to identify if someone is having a fit. If someone is having a fit, we should do the following things:


Protect the person from injury

Since fits are characterized by sudden falling, it is important to prevent the fall to avoid any further injury. Keep them comfortable as much as possible by cushioning their head and loosening their clothing. If the child or infant is experiencing high fever, we should do our best to cool them. Victims are usually scared but it will help them get through this if they know we are on their side. We should not leave them until they are better.

Contact a medical professional

If the fit lasts for more than 2 to 5 minutes, it is time to seek a doctor or other medical professional. If we don’t know what to do, it is better to look for someone who can assist us while waiting for the medical professional.

What not to do during a fit

It is highly discouraged to put something between the teeth of the patient and restrain him/her.


What is the Best Gift to Give?

We usually give gifts during special events but no one can stop us if we want to give something on ordinary days- that makes it sweeter actually. Giving gift is the most delightful gesture in the world. If you are torn which gift to give for a friend, special someone or a family member, it is useful to utilize this guide:


Think of something your friend, special someone or family member needs

Indeed the market offers different things that we can buy- some are cheap, some are expensive. Buying a gift requires brainstorming. There are many people that can find gifts that easily while there are others that need more time and thinking.

Gifts are usually appreciated if it symbolizes something. If you want to be remembered always, buy a gift that is useful and functional. For example, for men you can buy tie, socks, watches, ballpen, alarm clocks, shoes, wallet, handkerchief, etc. It sounds simple but they usually use these items so they will thank you for that. For women, you can consider beauty essentials, bags, purse, gift certificates to spa and massage, etc. For kids, shoes, toys, food and clothing are appreciated too.

You just need to probe what things that friend, special someone or family member needs.


Customizing the gift that will make that friend, special someone or family member feel important

If we have the time, we can start making something for that friend, special someone or family member. Sometimes the best gift we can give is a part of us. For example we can personally make a picture frame or a photo album. We are sure that there is only one in the world. It will make our friend, special someone or family member feel important and loved.

Vandalism Excuses No One

Vandalism refers to the malicious and deliberate destruction of someone else’s property without the written consent of the property owner. There are countries that put heavy emphasis on punishing the individual who committed vandalism. Singapore for instance is a country that is serious about vandalism. In fact, to show how serious they are, a local man was arrested last April 27, 2013 for vandalising the Cenotaph war memorial at the Esplanade Park on April 23, 2013. Mohammad Khalid Mohamad Yusop sprayed the monument with graffiti.

He was charged with one count of vandalism. Under Singapore’s Vandalism Act, the person behind the vandalism will:

Pay a fine

Upon his conviction, a penalty of up to S$2000 will be required from him.


The court can decide to send him to prison for not more than three years.


Caning is a legal corporal punishment for some countries. Corporal punishment is a physical punishment that includes deliberate infliction of pain (for retribution, disciplining, reforming and deterring unacceptable behaviours). Afghanistan, Malaysia, Taiwan and Singapore use this form of punishment.

In Singapore, caning varies depending on the circumstance. There are judicial, prison, reformatory, military, school and domestic/private. Judicial caning is brutal; it is set aside for criminals below 50 years old whose crimes fall under the Criminal Procedure Code. The milder form is used by some parents to punish their children. However there are some exemptions for caning that should be noted. Women, unhealthy men, old people (50 years above) and men with death sentence are exempted from this punishment.

In the case of Mohammad Khalid Mohamad Yusop, he can suffer three to eight strokes of rattan cane.

Safety Tips: How to Treat Burns

Burns are widespread. Some are less serious, some are very severe but regardless of the type, you should know how to deal with it. While waiting for help, it is a must that you “self medicate”; this could be the difference of scarring or not scarring. If you are medically trained, it is better but if you are not, it would be beneficial if you consider the following things:


Identify the degree

Be reminded that there are different types of burns. You should learn how to identify each type  or degree of burn. The first degree of burn is less serious and it does not necessarily need medical attention. It is generally characterized by light scalding, reddish and somewhat swollen. The second degree burn is often misinterpreted as a first degree so you should be cautious about it. When you see redness, swelling and you feel pain plus the skin looks blotchy, you have a second degree burn. The third degree burn is more serious and painful. If you were exposed to a hot object for a very long time, most likely you have third degree burns; this burn will cause bone, muscle and fat damage.


If you have a minor burn, the first thing that you should do is put the affected area under running water for about 15 to 20 minutes. If you feel any burning sensation, you should continue the process. If running water is not available, you have to apply a cold compress. If there are no cold compress, you can use an ice pack. Remember not to apply the ice directly unto the burns because it can damage the skin. If the pain is still there, you should look for pain reliever. Ibuprofen or Naproxen will do. Treat the burn every hour by rinsing it with saline solution. However if it is serious, you should go to the emergency room right away.

Exploring Peranakan Cultures

If you want to know about Peranakan cultures, the best way to do so is by visiting the Peranakan Museum. A sister museum of the Asian Civilisations Mueum, the Peranakan Museum is the first in the world to exhibit the Peranakan cultures in Singapore, Malacca, Penang and neighboring Southeast Asian nations. Here’s what you need to know when you want to visit:



There are ten galleries that exhibit Peranakan way of life. The building has three levels. The Level 1 Gallery 1 presents the beginnings of Peranakan culture. Level 2 Galleries present different wedding chamber and processions. Level 3 Galleries 6-10 present the Religion, Public Life, Food and Feasting of Peranakans.

Getting There

The Museum is at 39 Armenian Street. You can get there via taxi, car, train or bus. Taxi is the most convenient way. There is a paid parking area next to the Peranakan Museum. If you want to save money, you can try the train or bus. If you decide to ride the MRT, make sure to stop at City Hall or Bras Basah stations then walk from there. If you decide to take the bus, wait at the Singapore Management University bus stop and take either bus 7, 14, 16, 77, 106 or 11.



The good news is that the admissions are free to all locals and permanent residents. For adult tourists, S$6.00 is solicited for entry. For full time students or senior tourists, S$3.00 is solicited.

Operating Hours

The museum opens from 1pm to 7pm during Mondays. They open from 9am to 7pm during Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. They open from 9am to 9pm during Fridays.