What You Need to Know About Drug Management  


When we hear about drugs, it is either of two things – drugs that are prohibited and drugs that can reduce pain or discomfort. Of the two drugs, the most necessary and of course legal is the latter. If we take drugs every time pain kicks, it is crucial that we know what analgesia to take.


Analgesia refers to medications that have the capacity to render the person insensible to pain without the loss of his/her consciousness. World Health Organization reminds Singaporeans to observe pain ladder when managing analgesia.

Here are the common types of pain and its distinctive drug management:

  • Headache: If we experience headache, the typical drug treatment is Paracetamol acetaminophen and NSAIDs (Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs). If the headaches are severe accompanied by vomiting or fever, a doctor should be consulted.
  • Migraine: Many Singaporeans suffer from migraine. For migraine episodes, we can take Paracetamol or NSAIDs also but if migraines are severe, many consider triptans.


  • Menstrual cramps: Many girls have this problem and we take NSAIDs most of the time. The good news is that any NSAID will work.
  • Muscle ache: When we suffer muscle ache, Paracetamol or NSAIDs can make a difference. If inflammations are present, NSAIDs will work better.
  • Strain: For strains, we can use muscle relaxants and NSAIDs.
  • Severe trauma: Severe trauma includes burn, severe sprain and bone fracture. Opioids can help a great deal but if it is more than 2 weeks, it is a different thing.

Before taking drugs, it is crucial that we see our doctors first. The prescription and the advice should come from them.


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