Assessing Eating Habits


You do not blame the food for being fat or unhealthy. You should blame yourself because you are unable to control the craving or the desire. There are people who are blaming foods for their belly bulges and love handles. Foods are innocent. You have to look at your eating habits before blaming anyone or anything.

There are many tasty and delicious foods here in Singapore. In fact, many Singaporeans are gourmands. You will notice that wherever you go, every corner or every street has more than one restaurant or food centre. Food is highly available and accessible here and with this, it is important that you assess your eating habits first if you want to be healthy. You can assess your eating habits by learning what type of eater you are. Here are the types of eater:


1.       The Meal Skipper
If you skip meal, you belong to this type. There are people who usually skip breakfast because they think that they will lose weight. They thought wrong. When you skip breakfast (or any meal) you have the tendency to binge eat because you feel very hungry. You consume double than what you regularly eat.

2.       The Convenient Diner
If you do not like or if you do not have time to prepare for food, you belong to this type. You know that junk foods and fast food meals are unhealthy but you eat them anyway. You only want to consume what is there.

3.       The Swing Eater
If you consider healthy eating today and forget about it tomorrow, you belong to this type. You have to be consistent when you consider healthy eating. Remember that healthy eating is not a one-day thing. The inconsistent eating will confuse your body. You should avoid this.

4.       The Hearty Portioner
If you are slowly eating your food because you savour each bite, you belong to this type. When you eat, do it like the Parisians do. They eat and talk in between. If you eat slowly, you are giving your brain time to process it and send a signal that you are already full.

5.       The Steady Eater
If you eat even if you are not hungry, you belong to this type. You think that there is nothing wrong if you spoil your body with foods that you think you deserve. That is understandable but sometimes, spoiling yourself will not do you good.

6.       The Night Time Nibbler
If you love to nibble during midnight, you belong to this type. When you sleep late, you consider eating snacks. You will surely gain weight if you sleep late.

Now you can identify which eater you are. After identifying it, you can now make a plan to change your eating habits and make it healthier. It is not easy to live a healthy life but you have to do it anyway for the sake of your future and your family.



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