7 Types of Healthy Noodles You Should Be Eating  

Pasta can be a quick and tasty meal, but it’s not always good for your waistline and your wellness. If you love a plate full of spaghetti, here are the kinds of pastas you should be serving instead of the traditional ones.


1. Whole Wheat Pasta – This type of pasta contains two more grams of protein and seven more grams of fibre per serving than traditional pasta. Moreover, whole grain pasta doesn’t undergo chlorine bleaching, which eradicates over three quarters of minerals and vitamins in white pasta.

2. Kelp Noodles – These clear, glossy noodles are made from seaweed that has been ground and mixed with water and salt. Kelp noodles are great for those who are conscious of their weight as half a cup of this noodle only contains around 30 calories.

3. Rice Pasta – Has slightly unusual texture, this pasta is wheat-free, gluten-free, and cholesterol-free, making it an ideal food choice for those who are watchful to their health.

4. Spelt Pasta – A cousin of wheat pasta, spelt pasta doesn’t seem to cause sensitive reactions in people who are intolerant of wheat.


5. Shiritaki Noodles – Available in different shapes, from flat fettuccine to macaroni style, kelp noodles also boast a super low caloric content—20 calories for every four ounce of serving. Moreover, it contains much lower amount of fat, sugar, and carbohydrates than any other types of noodles.

6. Kamut Pasta – Kamut Pasta is the brand name for khorasan wheat. A type of durum wheat, this pasta can be eaten by individuals who are sensitive to wheat.

7. Quinoa Pasta – This good pasta has all the nutritional benefits. These benefits include high amount of protein, meaning it contains all kinds of amino acids that the body needs. It also has high levels of vitamin E, iron, calcium, magnesium, and riboflavin. Plus, it’s gluten-free.

Thanks to ever-expanding pasta aisles, health-conscious pasta lovers can now enjoy more delicious alternatives to traditional pasta. Get adventurous and treat yourself to more flavourful pasta dishes without putting your health or your weight at stake.


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