6 Ways to Enjoy Holiday Feast Without Going Overboard

‘Tis the time of the year when families get together, people share their blessings and indulge in high-caloric Christmas dinner. Celebrating Christmas without gaining a few pounds seems impossible, especially with that glorious turkey and all those treats on the table. But before you totally abandon your fitness goals, know that there’s hope.

It’s still possible to lose weight or at least maintain your fitness level this time of the year with these smart-eating tips.

1. Do not starve yourself
Thinking of skipping breakfast or lunch so you can go to town on Christmas dinner? Before saying yes to this idea, know that starving yourself can only lead to overeating and giving in to cravings. Fill yourself up with protein-packed breakfast, so you’ll feel full for longer hours and won’t starve yourself by the time you get to the next meal.

2. Control your portions
It’s impossible not to try every single dish on the table during the Christmas Eve, so this is where portion control comes in handy. Before digging in, take the time to look at every option and choose which dish to pass on and which to get. Once you have decided, take smaller portions of your choices instead of stocking your plate with so much of one food.

3. Start with some greens
Your instinct might say to attack the turkey right away, but starting up with some healthy greens will keep you satisfied longer and much faster. After finishing your greens, you can then have some meats and sweets, but you will likely find yourself eating less of those since you’re partially full with the healthy salad.

4. Go for red
We’re not talking about your outfit. Picking red wine over white wine or sparklers will give the body an extra boost of resveratrol, an antioxidant that protects the body from heart disease and cancer. This beverage is definitely much healthier than beer, cocktails or softdrinks.

5. Have some tea after meal
Drinking a cup of tea as a substitute to dessert will save you calories that would otherwise be spent on a slice of cake or pie. Green tea is also loaded with antioxidants and is a great help for your digestion.

6. Say ‘no’ to leftovers
Let the feast begin and end at the Christmas dinner table. Your mom will likely be hounding you with holiday leftovers for days, but you will have to say no to all of that. Consuming Christmas leftovers can only add up to unnecessary calories you will have during the season.

Although these tips require some discipline, they are not impossible to achieve. Other than the obvious portion control, pick the healthier food substitute all the time. After all, you don’t want to punish yourself too much at the gym after the holiday season.

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