Making a Big Comeback

6 Tips for Older Women Who Want to Re-Enter the Workforce

Settling down during their early 30s and having kids a year or two after are some of the reasons why most women leave the workforce. Some become full-time housewives, while some are still planning to take another shot to be back on the work field. If you’re one of the latter, here are six simple tips that you can do to achieve your most awaited comeback as a career woman.

Happy business woman working at office

  1. Plan Your Path Ahead. A good way to kick-start your career comeback is to choose a profession that excites you and keeps you motivated to work, because most employers nowadays already values an employee’s motivation to work than her skill.


  1. Relive Some Connections. Staying in touch with your former colleagues is one of the greatest way to keep you updated on any job opportunities in their respective companies. Also, don’t hesitate to reach out to the new people who may become relevant for the new career path that you’ll be taking.


  1. Stay Active on Social Media. This doesn’t necessarily mean posting your resume online. Instead, post photos of you working on a particular project on an underdeveloped area in your Facebook or Instagram accounts. That way, your potential employer will be able to see how you’ll fit in with their corporate culture.


  1. Enhance Your Skills. Since you’re back for a new career direction, it’s imperative that you refresh and improve your skills, though studying to further hone your skills shouldn’t also be done on the last minute. Remember that you’ll get an extra confidence boost when you develop your skills for years, compared to when you do it in a just span of two to three months.



  1. View Job Searching as a Temporary Full-Time Job. Now is not the time to feel bad or lazy about being unable to find a new job. You’ve experienced job searching before and conquered it, so you’ll be able to do it again. Just treat it as your temporary full-time job as you search for your real dream job.


  1. Research Your Role. Most successful businesses spend a lot of time researching, and the same thing goes for searching a job. Perform a thorough research on the position that you want to land on. If possible, plan your first few weeks as if you’re already working for the company and you’ll be able to answer interview questions like you’re already in the position.

Getting a second shot in the working field during your 40s will not be easy. However, staying positive and motivated during this time will surely land you your dream job even for the second time around.


7 Types of Healthy Noodles You Should Be Eating  

Pasta can be a quick and tasty meal, but it’s not always good for your waistline and your wellness. If you love a plate full of spaghetti, here are the kinds of pastas you should be serving instead of the traditional ones.


1. Whole Wheat Pasta – This type of pasta contains two more grams of protein and seven more grams of fibre per serving than traditional pasta. Moreover, whole grain pasta doesn’t undergo chlorine bleaching, which eradicates over three quarters of minerals and vitamins in white pasta.

2. Kelp Noodles – These clear, glossy noodles are made from seaweed that has been ground and mixed with water and salt. Kelp noodles are great for those who are conscious of their weight as half a cup of this noodle only contains around 30 calories.

3. Rice Pasta – Has slightly unusual texture, this pasta is wheat-free, gluten-free, and cholesterol-free, making it an ideal food choice for those who are watchful to their health.

4. Spelt Pasta – A cousin of wheat pasta, spelt pasta doesn’t seem to cause sensitive reactions in people who are intolerant of wheat.


5. Shiritaki Noodles – Available in different shapes, from flat fettuccine to macaroni style, kelp noodles also boast a super low caloric content—20 calories for every four ounce of serving. Moreover, it contains much lower amount of fat, sugar, and carbohydrates than any other types of noodles.

6. Kamut Pasta – Kamut Pasta is the brand name for khorasan wheat. A type of durum wheat, this pasta can be eaten by individuals who are sensitive to wheat.

7. Quinoa Pasta – This good pasta has all the nutritional benefits. These benefits include high amount of protein, meaning it contains all kinds of amino acids that the body needs. It also has high levels of vitamin E, iron, calcium, magnesium, and riboflavin. Plus, it’s gluten-free.

Thanks to ever-expanding pasta aisles, health-conscious pasta lovers can now enjoy more delicious alternatives to traditional pasta. Get adventurous and treat yourself to more flavourful pasta dishes without putting your health or your weight at stake.


Kid’s Health: 5 Stomach Ache Symptoms to Watch For  

Stomach aches can happen frequently, though most of them are just minor cases. However, some can be an indication of more serious things, so make sure to be in the know and stay alert when it comes to your child’s health.


1. Abdominal Pain: This is simply a feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area. Most of time tolerable, but sometimes can hamper a child’s day-to-day activities.

See a doctor if: The pain just suddenly came and seems like it’s not going away.

2. Vomiting: In children and infants, vomiting is common. This happens when the child is too full or stomach contents are involuntarily brought up back to the mouth whether or not the child is full. It could also be a gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) if your child complains about a sour or foul tasting substance in the mouth or points the pain in the upper middle part of his abdomen.

See a doctor if: Vomiting has tinges of blood, or if it’s becoming more frequent and is accompanied by abdominal cramps and diarrhea.

3. Constipation: Constipation is among the three most common causes of tummy aches in kids. Adding more fibre to your children’s diet, along with prune juice or apple juice can help a lot in maintaining healthy digestion.

See a doctor if: You see signs of rectal bleeding. It could be a chronic constipation, which can be a sign of celiac diseases or underactive thyroid gland.


4. Dehydration: When a stomach ailment causes your child to vomit more frequently, accompanied by diarrhea, he is at risk of dehydration. This means that the body will lack electrolytes and fluid to function properly.

See a doctor if: Your child shows signs of moderate to heavy dehydration, such as sunken fontanelle (the soft spot on an infant’s head), sunken eyeballs, constant thirst, absence of tears, and dry skin.

5. Diarrhea: This is a condition wherein the child produces loose or watery stool, usually three times in a day. In this condition, the consistency of the stool is much more important than the frequency of the bowel movements. So even if the child makes more than three movements a day, with formed stool, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s diarrhea.

See a doctor if: There’s mucus or blood in the stool and if it’s accompanied by abdominal cramps and fever or follows vomiting after a meal, as this could be a sign of food poisoning.

Tummy aches among children is common, but knowing what this indications could mean—along with other signs—can save your child from serious health condition.

Woman in the toilet