Having Some “Couple Time” at Ikeda Spa

We love our kids, yes we do. We invest all our time and energy giving them a better future and showing them that we love them. We just want the best for them. All the sacrifices we’ve made, we’ve made it for them.

Now, although we love our kids, what about our spouse? When was the last time you’ve had a little time together away from the kids? When was the last time you were actually able to go on a date? Yes, most of your time has to be spent on the kids, but what about on your spouse? Take a break once in a while. Treat yourself. Allow yourself and your spouse to have a wonderful time together.

Don’t forget that your family doesn’t just revolve around your kids, there’s still your spouse too. Sadly, most parents forget about their spouse the moment they have kids as they pour all their love and attention they used to have towards one another onto their kids. Having kids is such an amazing thing but it can also be very tiring.

Every parent admits that they get tired every single day. They get drained. Why? Is it because they don’t love their kids enough? Most definitely not. This is because they haven’t been able to take care of themselves. Now, how can you take care of others properly if you can’t take care of yourself?

It’s impossible for you to be fully able to take care of someone else if you do not take care of yourself. When it comes to taking care of yourself, this also means your relationship with your spouse. Do you still go on dates? Do you still relax together? Have you ever went on a get-away trip with your spouse? Well, maybe it’s about time you do.

Now it doesn’t have to be something extravagant or complicated, you could both just visit the spa together. Now when you hear about spas and hot springs, you usually think Japan. Now, for those Onsen lovers, you won’t have to fly all the way to Japan to get the love you need. All you need to do is go to Ikeda Spa.

As much as we would love to, we’ve decided not to spoil anything from Ikeda Spa to ensure that you’ll totally enjoy your time there. All we can say is imagine red rose couple baths, cocoa butter candles, and a whole lot more. The kids aren’t the only ones who deserve a holiday. So do you.

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