Will Positive Thinking Backfire?

When you think about it, positive thinking is something that is, well, positive. It’s good if you’re able to stay optimistic even during the hardest times in your life. But is that really always the case? Unfortunately, there are times when positive thinking can backfire. Here are some reasons why it can happen and how it can affect you.

It might affect your health

One of the more dangerous ways positive thinking can backfire is with regards to health. If you’re constantly experiencing back pain, for example, you can’t just brush it off too easily. You might be disregarding a problem that can cost you a lot in the future. Positive thinking will mean little if you put yourself in a detrimental situation. This can also affect others around you. What’s going to happen if you’re spouse has a small health problem and you just put it off in the meantime?

There’s really nothing wrong with negative emotions

Too many people want to always be happy. But the thing is, that’s never going to happen. We’re humans and we’re emotional beings. We should feel sad, anxious, or mad just as much as we feel happy. Saying that only positive thoughts will improve our well-being is the wrong way to put it. If you think about it, we won’t really know what happiness is like if we don’t experience negative things in life!

You’ll develop the wrong mindset

Positive thinking could also lead you to a wrong mindset. For one, you might convince yourself that everything will go in your direction. That once you have a plan set, everything will go smoothly from there and you won’t really need to think about back-ups. In addition to that, you might easily get hooked into going with untrustworthy company. Many fall victim to deceitful people simply because of an always-think-positive frame of mind.

You’re surrounding yourself with illusions

Thinking too positively about things will only pull you away from reality. A lot of people trap themselves in their own fantasy land thinking that if they keep being positive, good things will happen to them sooner or later. Of course, nothing good will come to you if you don’t act on it. Being overly optimistic might also cloud our decision-making as well. We might become too eager to change our situation for the better even when it’s already enough.

You’ll beat yourself up in the end

When everything comes crashing down on you, you’ll only beat yourself up in the end. When you think positively for a long time and suddenly your problems become unbearable, it will definitely backfire on you. It will feel like your trouble is magnified because you’ve been thinking positive and it turns out that it means nothing. That’s simply why it is important that you still let your negative emotions flow.

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