Ways to Find Buyers for Your Art Pieces

With lots of contemporary art and abstract art pieces that’s been circulating in some art galleries in Singapore, selling an art piece might have become quite difficult for artists like you. But there’s still one good way for you to find the potential buyers of your works and that is to simply promote yourself and your art pieces. So to help you find your potential buyers, here are some ways that you can do:


1. Find a local art gallery. One good way to promote your artworks is by looking for a local art gallery in your area in Singapore and see if the owner of the gallery if they can help in promoting you and your art pieces in the area. Building good relationships with art gallery owners and your fellow artists is actually important to get and make contacts and connections with your potential buyers and some individuals who are willing to represent you as a rising artist.

2. Submit an art sample to online markets. Submitting some samples of your oil painting artworks to an online art market can help you in finding potential buyers for your art since online art markets are becoming popular for art buyers. Try checking out some art market websites that you think is promoting the kind of art that you’re selling. Working with art markets can help in attracting buyers who are looking for some fresh and unique art.


3. Contribute to some art communities. Joining some online art communities can help you in your search for your potential buyers since they can provide you with information’s like the right person and place to market yourself and your works. Aside from that, they also offer support coming from other artists and allow you to sell your work in their sites. Some buyers and curators who also buy affordable art singapore by vinci in Singapore also frequent this kind of sites in search for good art pieces.

4. Enter art walks. Entering art walks can actually be a good way to establish connections and relationships with curators and some art representatives. You can promote yourself and your works by giving out small postcard prints with your contact information printed on it. Also, it would be better if you keep your portfolio with you as you scout for some potential buyers. Some art walk events are held on a monthly basis in some major cities in Singapore and can be really helpful since it can attract hundreds of art lovers and buyers in your area.


5. Send art contributions to some magazines and newsletters. Sending some of your oil painting artworks and getting it published to known magazines and newspapers can help you in promoting your works. It would be better if you go with smaller magazine companies since they’re always looking for fresh contents and looks. Also, try participating in some interviews that will be conducted and provide them with one of your oil painting works. Getting your works published will make it easier for you and your potential buyer to discover your artwork.

Selling your artworks can be quite difficult at first but as you develop and establish connections with some of the known art buyers or curators and discover the right way to promote your art, things will become quite easy in no time.