The Dos and Don’ts of Online Dating  

Unless you’re working in a completely male milieu, your quest to meet the man of your dreams might take you to the bustling world of Internet. However, online dating isn’t as easy as you think. So, to exponentially increase your chance of getting a successful online dating experience, here are some of practical online dating dos and don’ts.


Online Dating DOs

  1. Play Some Dating Game. Whether you like it or not, dating is game and you’ll need to play the game for you to get what you want. This means that you’ll need to accept that chase is always part of the courtship process in an online dating setting. If you find a profile that catches your eye, send him a friendly email, an icebreaker, or even just a flirty wink. If that person responds to you, then the game is on.


  1. Represent Yourself Honestly. Though it can be easy to misrepresent yourself when dating online, you’ll be more likely to succeed in your online dating venture if you’re honest about who you really are. As you should always represent yourself honestly, expect the same thing in return from anyone you’d meet online.


  1. Do an In-Person Encounter When You’re Ready. Once you’ve already established a comfortable rapport between both of you, it’s already time to take your online dating into reality. For your first face-to-face date, opt for an afternoon coffee drink instead of an after-dark activity to ease of any signs of anxiety.


Online Dating DON’Ts

  1. Divulge Too Much Information Too Soon. Nobody is interested in reading a thesis-long information about you either on your profile, or on your initial email exchanges. It’s actually overwhelming for the other party and can be a total turnoff.

While it’s important to be open and friendly in the getting-to-know-you stage, it’s also necessary that you maintain a sense of mystery on yourself. Just share enough info about yourself to intrigue your prospective match, leaving him wanting for more.

  1. Never Lead Somebody On. This applies both for face-to-face and online dating. If someone you’re not interested with contacts you, never lead him on and just leave him hanging. Instead, send a short and thoughtful rejection from the start of your interaction.


  1. Never Jeopardise Your Own Safety. Your safety should always be your number one concern whether it’s online or real-life dating. Avoid giving away identifying information, and never agree to meet a complete stranger in an unfamiliar place. Your well-being and safety should be more important than pleasing a stranger by doing things that you feel are risky and unsafe.

Participating in an online dating site is not as bad as everyone thinks. Just make sure that you remain cautious of the person you’re dealing with and always put your safety as your top priority.


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