Singapore is the Fourth Greenest

Singaporeans were overwhelmed of the news that the country was considered the fourth in the 2014  EPI (Environmental Performance Index) conducted by Columbia and Yale University. The announcement was announced at the recently concluded WEF (World Economic Forum) in Davos on January 25, 2014. The index is steered every two years. green-singapore_MAIN

The EPI serves as the “report card” of countries. It measures the country’s environmental factors like climate change, pesticide and other issues.  Switzerland got the first spot followed by Luxembourg and Australia. Singapore garnered the fourth spot among 178 countries evaluated. In the 2010 EPI, Singapore was in the 28th spot. Its big jump to the 4th place is an achievement. This proves that the government’s environment initiatives are effective.

If you want to know more about EPI, here are some things that you should be acquainted with:

About the Project


The EPI is a joint project of Columbia and Yale University. YCELP (Yale Centre for Environmental Law and Policy) and CIESIN (Centre for International Earth Science Information Network) came together to create this project that seeks to gauge and understand human interactions when it comes to the environment.

The Methods and Objectives

EPI is created through the calculation and accumulation of twenty indicators. The twenty indicators are divided into nine categories which includes two objectives. You should know that there are two objectives of EPI. The objectives include ecosystem vitality and environmental health. Ecosystem vitality gauges the country’s resource management and the protection of ecosystem. Environmental health gauges the fortification of human health from the existing ecological harm.


The objectives are divided into 9 categories that include health impacts, air quality, water and sanitation, water resources, agriculture, forests, fisheries, biodiversity & habitat and climate & energy. The twenty indicators include child mortality, household air quality, air pollution, access to drinking water, access to sanitation, wastewater treatment, agricultural subsidies, pesticide regulation, change in forest cover, coastal shelf fishing pressure, fish stocks, national biome protection, global biome protection, marine protected areas, critical habitat protection, trend in carbon intensity, change of trend in carbon intensity and trend in CO2 emissions per kilowatt hour. The framework constitutes the objectives, categories and indicators.

Calculating EPI

The calculating of EPI commences with changing fresh datasets to standardized indicators. The standardization of raw values are based on comparable indicators across countries like the population, GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and other indicators. The changed datasets are used to compute and analyse indicators mentioned above. EPI utilizes a methodology that evaluates how close a specific country is to their “policy target”. The “policy target” is set by CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity). The scores are from 0 to 100 (0 being the farthest and 100 being the nearest from the “policy target”).

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